News archive
Gábor Stépán is Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Gábor Stépán was elected as a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) at the CAS General Assembly held on November 16th, 2023. With this prof. Stepan is the first ever Hungarian member of CAS. Details...
Three of our colleagues won NKFI (OTKA) grants

Dr. András Szekrényes received funding
for OTKA research project with title "Fracture, stability and nonlinear
dynamics of laminated structures with material defect",
Dr. Dénes Takács received funding for OTKA young
research project titled "Identifying driver behavior to predict the
motion of micromobility vehicles", Dr. Henrik Sykora
received funding for postdoc project titled "Physics-based data-driven
modelling of stochastic nonsmooth systems".
Margit Bende received the Educational Service Memorial Medal

The Ministry of Human Resources awarded
Margit Bende the Educational Service Memorial Medal for 40 years of
high-quality teaching of applied mechanics in several languages, and for
her outstanding role in building and developing BME's international relations.
András Szekrényes is appointed university professor

On the proposal of János Csák, Minister of Culture and Innovation, President of Hungary Katalin Novák appointed our colleague Dr. András Szekrényes as a university professor as of September 1, 2023. Congratulations!
Gábor Stépán won the Lyapunov Award

The ASME Design Engineering Division has awarded the Lyapunov Award
every two years to mechanical engineers who have contributed to the field of
nonlinear dynamics with outstanding research results. This year, the prize
was awarded to Professor Gábor Stépán, who received the award at the ASME
IDETC/CIE 2023 Congress in Boston. The title of his plenary lecture was
From the Delayed Mathieu Equation to the Stability of High-Speed Milling
The list of previous awardees can be seen here.
Gábor Stépán received the Bolyai Prize

Professor Gábor Stépán received the 2023 Bolyai Prize, the most prestigious
scientific award in Hungary. The prize is awarded biannually to one person:
"who achieved internationally outstanding results in the field of scientific
research, development, youth education, and the utilization of the results
in socio-economic life." The award was given by the President of the
Hungarian Republic, Katalin Novák.
More details at (in Hungarian).
Szabolcs Berezvai received Bolyai János Research Scholarship

Our colleague, Dr. Szabolcs Berezvai has been awarded the MTA Bolyai János Research Scholarship. Congratulations on this prestigious award, and we wish him good luck for the next 3 years of research!
Dóra Patkó received MT180 award

Our PhD student, Dora Patkó was awarded at the national round of the "MT180 - My dissertation in 180 seconds" competition organised by the French Institute of Budapest and ESSCA-Budapest with her presentation on the nonlinear dynamics of human gaiting, running and hopping. Dora's supervisor is Ambrus Zelei, and Margit Bende helped her to prepare to the competition. Congratulations!
Gábor Stépán received the Jedlik Ányos-award

Prof. Gábor Stépán recieved the Ányos Jedlik award, which is the most
prestigous national award to acknowledge outstanding inventory work and
efficient patenting activity.
The short video about prof. Stépán's work and the colleagues who are
co-authors in various patents can be seen here.
András Szekrényes awarded the Hungarian Order of Merit Knight's Cross

Our colleague, Dr. András Szekrényes has been awarded the Hungarian Order of Merit Knight's Cross in recognition of his novel scientific results in the development of the mechanical models of delaminated plates and shells with material faults and his outstanding educational and teaching activities. Congratulations!
Gábor Stépán's webinar talk

Prof. Gábor Stépán has given a a webinar talk at the Seminar series of the D1 journal Nonlinear Dynamics on 15th of March.
Richárd Wohlfart recieved Academic Patent Award

Our colleage, Richárd Wohlfart received Academic Patent Award form the
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Patent Office for
his excellent work in combining research and industrial application for
several decades. Congratulations!
The ceremony can be viewed here.
András Bártfai received student conference award

András Bártfai (supervisor Dr. Zoltán Dombóvári) received student award at the ASME Multibody Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics Conference for his paper titled "Stability of a one-degree-of-freedom robot model with sampled digital acceleration feedback controller in turning". Congratulations!
Illés Vörös received two conference awards

Our PhD student, Illés Vörös received the best paper award with his publication on the topic of self-driving vehicle dynamics at the AVEC'2022 conference. He also received the young author award at the IFAC TDS 2022 conference.
Dr. Attila Kossa won NKFI (OTKA) grant!

Dr. Attila Kossa received funding for OTKA research project with title "Mechanics of Functional Biomaterials for four years. Congratulations!
Dénes Takács received Bolyai János Research Scholarship

Our colleague, Dr. Dénes Takács has been awarded the MTA Bolyai János Research Scholarship for the second time. Congratulations on this prestigious award, and we wish him good luck for the next 3 years of research!
Giuseppe Habib is a winner of the MTA Lendület!

Dr. Giuseppe Habib will soon start a new research team at our department. The title of his application is "Dynamical integrity assessment of real-life engineering systems". This year 19 new Lendület research group is established, for details see the website of MTA.
Prof. Gyula Béda received József Nádor Memorial Medal

Prof. Gyula Béda received the most prestious award of BME, the József Nádor Memorial Medal for his outstanding educational and research activity in the last 7 decades and for his long-standing leading role at the Department of Applied Machanics and at the Faculty Mechanical Engineering.
Gábor Stépán received Excellent Teacher Prize of BME

Professor Gábor Stépán received the Excellent Teacher Prize of BME. This prize is awarded based on the recommendation of University Students' Representation to professors who are in the first five places in the Student Opinion Survey (OHV). Congratulations!
Our former student, Balázs Fekete recieved NASA award

Our former PhD student, Dr. Balázs Fekete received Silver Group Achievement Award from NASA for his achievemtns in the Crawler Transporter 2 Crack Repair Team. The certificate is signed personally by Bill Nelson, the Administrator of NASA. Balazs received his PhD degree in 2016 supervised by Dr. András Szekeres, he worked 3 years for NASA, now he jointed to Blue Origin where his task is to design the BE-4 rocket. This is really rocket science!
Szabolcs Berezvai received NFTÖ support

Dr. Szabolcs Berezvai was awarded a grant for his research project "Measurement, modelling and simulation of the energy absorption capacity of biologically inspired heterogeneous soft materials" submitted to the call for the National Scholarship for Young Talents (NFTÖ) of the Prime Minister's Office. The one-year scholarhsip will support the development of mechanical experiments and travel expenses related to the research work started in collaboration with researchers from the University of California Santa Barbara for the academic year 2022/2023.
New ELKH research group at our department

A new ELKH research group is established at our department supported by the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH), Office for Supported Research Groups (TKI). The ELKH-BME Dynamics of Machines Research Group continues the work of the MTA-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles leaded by professor Gábor Stépán.
Our department was awarded the title Excellent MTA Institute

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences has awarded the title "Excellent MTA
Institute" to our department as recognition of its internationally
outstanding scientific achievements.
The department holds the title for the period from 4th May, 2022 to 30th June, 2027.
Henrik Sykora received CEACM Best Thesis Award

Henrik Sykora received the 2021 CEACM (Central European Association for
Computational Mechanics) Best Thesis Award for his PhD thesis titled
"Dynamics of Stochastic Mechanical Systems with Delays". His supervisor
was Dr. Daniel Bachrathy.
Tamás Insperger awarded the Hungarian Order of Merit Knight's Cross

Our colleague, Dr. Tamás Insperger has been awarded the Hungarian Order
of Merit Knight's Cross in recognition of his results in retarded
dyanmical systems and his outstanding educational and teaching
Gábor Stépán received Jiangsu Friendship Award
Prof. Gábor Stépán received the Jiangsu Friendship Award from the Jiangsu Provinvial Government in appreciation of his cooperation with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) and for his support for Jiangsu's development.

Dénes Takács won TÉT-IPARI grant

Dénes Takács received funding from NKFIH for a TÉT-IPARI project. In the
next three years they will collaborate with Chinese Hefei University of
Technology within the project titled "Key Technologies for Integrated
Control of Multi-dimensional Coupling Dynamics of Intelligent Automated
Vehicles with Time-delay effects".
Tamás Insperger received Master Teacher Gold Medal Award

The National Council of Student Research Societies awarded Master Teacher Gold Medal to Dr. Tamás Insperger for his supporting work supervisoring talented students in Student Research Conferences.
Book on human balancing

The book titled „Delay and Uncertainty in Human Balancing Tasks” by
Tamas Insperger and Prof. John Milton (The Claremont Colleges, USA) has
been published by Springer.
Gabor Stepan received IFAC award

Prof. Gabor Stepan received 2021 IFAC Life Time Achievement Awards on
Time Delay Systems for his contributions to theoretical advances and
engineering applications of time delay systems, and for his efforts in
building bridges among various academic communities.
Gyula Béda Workshop

The former dean of our faculty, former head of our department, prof. Gyula Béda has celebrated his 90th birthday this year. On the occasion of this anniversary, we have organized a workshop in honour of prof. Béda.
Hanna Zsófia Horváth received Pro Scientia Golden Medal

Our PhD student, Hanna Zsófia Horváth received Pro Scientia Golden Medal Award from the section of engineering sciences of the National Students' Scientific Conference (OTDK). The title of her OTDK work was "Nonlinear vibrations of towed vehicles". Her supervisor was Dr. Dénes Takács.
Daniel Bachrathy received Bolyai János Research Scholarship

Our colleague, Dr. Bachrathy Dániel has been awarded the MTA Bolyai
János Research Scholarship.
Congratulations on this prestigious award,
and we wish him good luck for the next 3 years of research!
Four of our colleagues won NKFI (OTKA) grants!
Dr. Tamás Insperger received funding for OTKA research project with
title "Experimental analysis of virtual and real human balancing tasks",
Dr. Daniel Bachrathy received funding for OTKA young research project
titled "Modelling Stochastic Effects in Machining of Flexible Parts -
Stability and Surface Quality", Dr. Szabolcs Berezvai and Dr. David Hajdu received funding for postdoc project titled "Constitutive
modelling of soft material based artificial muscles" and "Guaranteed
stability of controlled dynamical systems with delay", respectively.
Excelent results by our students at the 2021 Student's Scientific Conference National finals
We are proud that the department's students won 6 prizes as follows (the supervisors are in parentheses):
1st prize:
Horváth Hanna Zsófia (Dr. Takács Dénes)
Gábos Zoltán (Dr. Dombóvári Zoltán) - 3rd prize:
Fodor Gergő (Dr. Sykora Henrik)
Iklódi Zsolt (Dr. Dombóvári Zoltán) - Special Prize:
Takács Donát (Dr. Hénap Gábor)
Berencsi Bence (Dr. Kossa Attila)
TDS Webinar online seminar series
The IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Working Group on Time Delay Systems has launched a new online seminar series on time delay systems, the TDS Webinar, where well-known professors of the field give a 1 hour talk. The opening presentation has been held by Prof. Gábor Stépán with the title "Parametric Sensitivity of Time-Delay Systems".

Attila Kossa awarded the Hungarian Order of Merit Knight's Cross

Our colleague, Dr. Attila Kossa has been awarded the Hungarian Order of
Merit Knight's Cross in recognition of his novel results in mechanical modelling of materials, the related numerical simulations and his
outstanding educational and teaching activities.
Gabor Stépán CIRP fellow

Prof. Gabor Stepan has been elected as fellow of The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), which is the world leading organization in production engineering research. The list of prominent CIRP members related to BME includes the names of Professor Stephen Tobias (BME graduate 1945, head of Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Birmingham 1960-1986), Prof. Yusuf Altintas (Honorary Doctor of BME 2012, President of CIRP 2016/17), Prof. Laszlo Monostori (BME GTT, President of CIRP 2013/14) and Dr. Jokin Munoa (visiting researhcer at our department, he was elected as member of CIRP also this year).
2019/2020-II OHV results
The latest OHV (Evaluation of Lecturers by Students) results for the 2020 spring semester has been published. Our colleague, assistant professor Szabolcs Berezvai, who just received his PhD this summer, was ranked to the first place with the highest score at BME. Congratulations!
Three of our colleagues won NKFI (OTKA) grants!
Dr. András Szekrényes received funding for OTKA research project with title "Modern engineering experiments performed on elastic composite structural elements", Dr. Giuseppe Habib received funding for OTKA young research project titled "Robustness assessment against large perturbations in real-life engineering systems" and Dr. Tamás Molnár received funding for postdoc project titled "Bridging time delay systems and neural networks". Congratulations!
The most excellent scientific publication of BME 2015-2019 award
Our colleagues, Dr. Zoltán Dombóvári and Dr. Gábor Stépán received "the most excellent scientific publication of BME 2015-2019" award for their article titled "Chatter suppression techniques in metal cutting" published in CIRP Annals in 2016.
The paper so far received 103 independent Web of Science citations. The co-authors are well-known experts in the field of machine tool vibrations, such as prof. Yusuf Altintas and prof. Erhan Budak. The first author, Dr. Jokin Munoa, was research associate at BME for one and a half years as member of prof. Stepan's SIREN ERC research group.
Further details (in Hungarian) at the BME's homepage.
Gábor Stépán is winner of the Frontline - Research Excellence Program

Professor Gábor Stépán won the support of the Frontline - Research Excellence Program for a 5-year project titled "Numerical and hardware-in-the-loop simulation for the suppression of machine tool chatter in milling operation by optimizing the tool-edge geometry and mechanical contacts". Frontline – Research Excellence Programme Proposal is a research support proposal model designed to offer substantial support for a duration of at most 5 years, for researchers who are ranked among the best in their disciplines in the world and are in the most dynamic stage of their research career and aim to realize their research at a Hungarian research institution. The project winners are typically former ERC grant holders.
Epidemiological protection
BME have implemented enhanced epidemiological protection activities against the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease. The detailed instructions can be seen at BME's website.
Two professors from our Department among the best in the world has recently reported that Stanford University, SciTech
Strategies, and Elsevier have published a worldwide rank of best
researchers. In this list, there are 150 researchers from Hungary, 18
from BME and 4 from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. From the
Department of Applied Mechanics, two professors are in the list, Gábor Stépán and Tamás Insperger.
Further information.
Gábor Stépán received an NKFI research grant

Prof. Gábor Stépán received support from NKFIH for the project titled "Dynamics of Robot-Assisted Machining". The four-year project started in December 2019 and the goal is to analyze the dynamic behaviour of next-generation collaborative machining centers.

The "EUROSTARS FORTH - Force-controlled tool holder for vibration-less, accurate and chip jamming-free internal turning" project received support from the European Union. The project also involves Spanish and French parters and the Hungarian coordinator is Zoltán Dombóvári.
Dr. Zsolt Vízváry received the Simonyi Károly Memorial Award

Our former colleague, Dr. Zsolt Vízváry (UKAEA Culham Science Centre)
received the Simonyi Károly Memorial Award for his activities and
achievements in the field of fusion energy research. The Simonyi Károly
Memorial Award was founded in 2007 by the Hungarian Nuclear Society and
is given in recognition of Hungarian researchers and engineers with
outstanding achievements, in the field of fusion plasma physics and
technology. Congratulations!
Further details:
Dombóvári Zoltán is a winner of the MTA Lendület!
Dombóvári Zoltán will soon start a new research team at our department.
He's proposal won funding at the Lendület programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Further information can be found at the homepage of MTA and BME.

Welcome to our new site!
After 20 years, the homepage of the Department of Applied Mechanics has been renewed.
In 1995, the homepage of the department was the first webpage of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Its usual, classic style with its specific colors was set in 2000. Its new structure and style (switch theme) have been made concerning today's expectations.
Any comments with respect to our new site are welcomed at the email address.